Freedom is my first book. It's short and more of a novella at about 36000 words.
I wrote it over the course of a few months with the editing support of my dearest and 82 year old friend, Ralph McAllister, who was my first coach. Ralph is also a theatre director, script editor and a book reviewer for Radio New Zealand.
I believe we each have pivotal moments and people in our lives. Ralph was my first one of these such people and there've been many moments. He taught me about unconditional love, safety and he embraced me - all of me.
We edited every chapter line by line, word by word over FaceTime. The support of Ralph, throughout my life, is why Freedom came to be written. I will never repay the kindnesses that Ralph has extended to me, but we both agree that it has always been about paying forward - giving freely and generously. Ralph's unwavering commitment to me, my health, life and our friendship over the past 27 years is as unique as it is solid and dependable. This book is dedicated to my mum but it came to be because of my Ralph. Thank you friend. I know I don't owe you but I do.
I've always loved telling stories and as I began writing Freedom, I fell in love with writing.
It's like painting but with words.
Freedom is a story of pain, vulnerable strength that is forged in adversity, with themes of resilience, hope and most of all unconditional love - for oneself and each other.
I'll publish one chapter here each week like a serial in a magazine or newspaper. It is now live below, click on the lightbulb for the chapter number you want to read.
My hope and work is now about helping others to live fully so that they too get to write their own version of Freedom.
Patrick Hill
dedicated to my beautiful mum
Yvonne Anne Hill, 25.6.1945 - 17.4.2020