Coaching for Kids is a part of my offer because children need more support and guidance to maximise their potential, especially right now.
A lot of the challenges and difficulties we experience as adults began when we were children. It makes sense to coach younger people to improve the quality of their lives now and to give them life long skills they will need as adults.
Schools and teachers work incredibly hard but there simply aren't the resources available to coach the individual to fully maximise their potential.
From my teaching career, and coaching training, it's evident that children and teenagers need to be taught and coached in how to use their thinking to remove limiting beliefs and barriers, build self-esteem, confidence and develop emotional and psychological resilience. I am an expert in facilitating this in children and young people.
My Coaching for Kids approach differs from that of adults as I have found that to achieve the above, curriculum content is a good medium to work through with children 7 - 11 years of age. For these ages, I use Maths (arithmetic and problem solving), English (reading, writing and SPAG) and Art as the subjects of our focus and coach children in their thinking as well as giving subject specific teaching.
Older children and teenagers can often cope better with a more pure coaching approach than younger children but this is entirely flexible and will be tailored to meet your child's individual needs. Each session is 60 minutes long with a short break half way through and a five minutes debrief with parents at the end.
I am also passionate about providing coaching for children and teenagers who are experiencing significant changes or challenges in life brought about by separation or divorce, bereavement, or any harder times that affect their lives. We all process things in our own ways and children do too. Sometimes having someone outside of their family and friendship groups may be beneficial for them.
I offer Coaching for Kids sessions straight after school and into the evening and at weekends and holidays from 9am - 7pm. All Coaching for Kids session happen online using Zoom.
The safety of your child is paramount as is safeguarding and I hold a current DBS check at all times.
If you think your child would benefit from Coaching for Kids, please click contact me for a free 30 minute connection chemistry call.
Why choose Coaching for Kids?
I believe that all children deserve to be happy, confident and resilient, living a stress-free life whilst thriving and reaching their highest potential.
Ask yourself these questions?
Could your child benefit from learning new life skills but you do not have the knowledge or time to do so?
Does your child need some extra teaching in specific subject areas to support their learning?
Has your child experienced a major life changing situation that they may need coaching support to work through?
Are you feeling stuck or frustrated and have run out of ideas to solve the problem?
Do you feel your child needs to talk to somebody who is not related to the issue?
Do you want to change the behaviour of your child but do not know where to begin?
Does your child seem unhappy, but doesn’t want to talk to you about what is upsetting them?
Do you want to empower your child as much as possible and provide him/her with effective skills and strategies needed to thrive in a changing and challenging world?
You know that your child is fantastic; they just need additional support to know this for themselves.
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, i am here to help.
What are the direct benefits of Coaching for kids?​
Children gain self-esteem, confidence, emotional and psychological resilience.
Children acquire new tools to change old patterns, become happier and relaxed and learn how to re-frame situations through practical, creative solutions.
Children learn ‘how’ to think – not ‘what’ to think.
Children develop essential life skills and strategies with lasting affects.
Children learn specific subject skills using a coaching approach.
Children feel empowered to make new and positive choices knowing they can always ask for help.
Children's self-awareness techniques are developed which in turn strengthens their self-esteem and happiness.
Children learn to face obstacles and challenges head on and can process their feelings in their own way.
Children learn to love and believe in themselves whilst appreciating and celebrating their uniqueness.
What happens during Coaching for Kids?
My first contact is with you, the parents or carers, in order to identify and establish the specific areas to be worked on. It is extremely important for me to have a holistic overview of your child’s life to get the full picture. Building a clear, in-depth view of your child enables me to begin to understand all of your child.
Following this initial conversation, should you choose to purchase my services, and your child likes and wants to work with me, we will begin our weekly coaching sessions. Each session is 60 minutes long and your child and I will meet weekly for 10 weeks on the same day at same time each week. I also offer a one off paid taster session to help you decide if my Coaching for Kids approach is right for your child.
I integrate my coaching approach with subject specific teaching with children (7 - 11 years of age) in each of our sessions. Regardless of your child's age, the focus is determined with you and your child before we begin our coaching work.
Read on to understand more…
I believe in total open communication and honesty, underpinned by mutual respect, equality and trust – this is the greatest way to help and support your child through their coaching journey.
In the last 5 minutes of each session, I will have a short debrief with you, the parent or carer, to discuss your child's progress in the session and to answer any questions you may have.
Fees and payments
Prior to the first session with your child, you are required to pay the full fee (10 x £60 = £600) for the ten sessions as agreed in your contract. If you opt for the one-off taster session, this will be included as one of the ten sessions.
Where to from here?
Just imagine your child feeling happy and confident – enjoying all life has to offer as they now have the necessary skills and strategies to create new and positive ways of dealing with day-to-day situations and any possible challenges.
Contact Me now to book your free 30 minute connection chemistry call.
Let’s work together to get your child started on a journey on self- empowerment and discovery as they move forwards to reach their highest potential.

Coaching for kids
£60 per hour