Corporate Well-being Coaching
Your company’s workforce is your greatest asset. Improving and maintaining your employees’ well-being has never been more important.
The stresses and strains of a normal working life have been significantly increased as a result of the pandemic.
Recent research* tells us that:
People are working longer hours.
Workers are taking fewer and shorter breaks throughout the working day.
Work-life balance is compromised further by working from home with less demarcation between work and home life.
25% of people experience a significant mental health concern every year.
In 2021, 51% all working days lost were due to poor mental health and this is increasing.
(*Thrive Global, 2021)
Well-being Coaching has a direct positive impact on the performance of individuals and companies. Some of the benefits of Well-being Coaching include:
increased resilience
increased wellbeing
increased engagement
improved work-life balance
staff feeling heard and listened to
bringing to the surface themes for the organisation to address
lowering staff turnover
I offer both Group Coaching packages and One to One Coaching packages for executives, senior leaders and team members.
The return on investment from Corporate Well-being Coaching is high because the coaching techniques and tools we use in our sessions are able to be used directly with teams and employees. This creates highly skilled leaders and a stronger, healthier and more resilient workforce.
Group Well-being Coaching
Group Coaching is a powerful and cost effective way to deliver coaching to several people at once. Not only do delegates receive a quality coaching experience, they get the opportunity to practise the tools and techniques in a safe and collaborative environment and benefit from peer to peer support, experiences and insights.
Each Group Coaching package is designed and tailored to meet the needs of the group and / or company’s objectives.
While each package is bespoke, there are common themes that are quite often sought for Corporate Well-being Coaching. Some of these include:
Self-management and team management
Creating and maintaining positivity as a leader / manager and as a team
Understanding the impact of stress on the brain, body, emotions and performance
Creating and maintaining psychological safety for yourself and your team
Confidently leading coaching conversations and listening to learn while learning to listen
Rethinking work-life balance and creating work-life harmony for yourself and your team
Creating and maintaining healthy boundaries with colleagues and work
One to One Well-being Coaching
This personalised coaching model allows the individual to delve deeper into their own areas for professional and personal development. There are always public and private benefits to the one to one coaching experience.
Many of the benefits of group coaching also apply to one to one coaching, however, the individual is far more likely to reach their full potential with goal focused coaching due to the coaching relationship and accountability aspects.
The contracting between the sponsor or company, the employee and the coach is paramount to our coaching work so that we are clear about the focus and parameters and scope of the coaching work.
I take a holistic approach when working with any one to one coaching client as compartmentalisation is not effective when aspiring to develop the whole person’s potential.
Many of the above themes also arise as part of a one to one coaching package. The major difference between group coaching and one to one coaching, is that there is also scope to address any individual underlying limiting beliefs and unhelpful neurological processes that restrict well-being, self-management and performance.
At present all coaching is delivered by Zoom unless both parties are in agreement that face to face is safe and follows Covid Safety Guidelines.